Kindness during the Coronavirus outbreak

In a world where you can be anything, be kind..png

The coronavirus arrived unexpectedly and it has caused mass disruption around the world. We know it’s hard to process and that it’s bringing people down, but there’s a lot of positivity shining through and spreading across the globe and internet right now, so we thought we’d share some uplifting news.

On 26 March at 8pm, the UK came together to cheer and clap at their windows, in their gardens, balconies and on their drives to celebrate our fantastic NHS, carers and other medical staff who are working nonstop to fight the virus. The noise created was truly outstanding with clips circulating online showing that people from every corner of the country got involved - some even got creative using instruments and kitchen pans. NHS staff have commented stating how emotional the celebration made them feel.

The Government initially asked for 250,000 volunteers who’d play a vital role in supporting the NHS throughout the crisis and within 24 hours over half a million people had signed up, which is amazing and shows how many caring, kind people are out there.

People have started to share their random acts of kindness and ideas on how to do kind things during the pandemic. Many are looking out for their community and neighbours by dropping off shopping, picking up prescriptions and walking dogs whilst following social distancing rules. The hashtag #Coronakindness has been trending on Twitter and there are plenty heart-warming stories if you’d like to read more.