How Do I Donate to Blyth Star?

If you value the work that we do in the local community and you'd like to support us, there are a number of different ways you can do this...

Make a one-off donation to Blyth Star Enterprises or arrange to make a regular donation through your bank.

No matter how difficult the challenge you set for yourself, raising money for Blyth Star Enterprises couldn’t be easier.

Mental health problems and/or learning disabilities affect many people’s lives across the UK, whether a family member or a friend.

Taking on a challenge with friends or colleagues can be a great way of boosting your fundraising power and doing something amazing for your community.

If you’d like to support the work Blyth Star Enterprises does by leaving us a gift in your Will, there are few ways you can do this.

Blyth Star helped me realise I did not have to live in hospital for the rest of my life.
— Blyth Star Service User

What Happens to the Money Blyth Star Raises?